♥ I Love Pocket Money ♥

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Milky Day

I like to drink fresh milk, not from milk powder. I hate that powder smell, probably because i used to have gastric and the doctor said that drinking milk may help. Every time i drink it, i'll vomit seriously. And now, i will be nervous when smell the taste of milk powder.

今天要尽快把这瓶牛奶喝完,所以现在是一边更新文章变一边喝牛奶的。上次去旅行的时候妹妹帮我买了两瓶牛奶却没告诉我,我是最近才发觉的。证明我是很少打开家里的冰橱找食物吃的咯~ Dutch Lady Full Cream Milk是我的最爱!Low Fat不行,没有我喜欢的浓浓奶味。
I must finish this bottle of milk as soon as possible. That's why i am drinking the milk while updating this article. My sister didn't told me that she bought two bottles of milk when i had my Penang trip. I just found it recently. Prove that i'm seldom open the refrigerator~ Dutch Lady Full Cream Milk is my favorite! I didn't like low fat because the taste of milk is a bit light.

You see, it's expire soon.

Filled it into my private cow cup, it need three cup to finish this. Oh~ i started to worry about my weight.

I like to heat the milk and add some honey inside when the weather is cold, i feel warm and the taste good! Well girls, we need more calcium than boys. Otherwise, how to give birth to a healthy baby?

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