♥ I Love Pocket Money ♥
Thursday, December 31, 2009
对了,今晚大家应该是很尽情的狂欢吧?向2009的自己说再见啦~ 希望明年比今年来的精彩!加油加油!!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Episode Number Four
终于到了第四集,就是庆祝朋友的生日了,也就是我最喜欢的 - 吃。其实第五集的内容已经想好了,照片也拍好了,可是时间有限还在想着又不要记录下来。
大家约好去古月天吃晚餐,这是我第二次记录那里的食物啦。但是可有不同哦,上次是点心,这吃我们吃RM99.00++的个人的套餐。嗯,光看menu所写的食物都流口水了。从冷盘 -〉热盘 -〉鱼翅 -〉海鲜类 -〉肉类 -〉饭类或面类 -〉甜品。每一个主题都会有三种选择,我吃得好饱哦!(我忘记了那些菜名,还好在网上能够找出来,谢谢你。Thank you~)
我的Iberico ham rolled with Rock Melon with Avruga Caviar。咸咸的火腿加上超甜的蜜瓜非常的美味!可惜太小块了,一口就没了而且鱼子酱的味道吃不出来。
朋友的Smoked Salmon and Onion Crabmeat Roll with Sweet Basil Sauce。
少爷的Giant Clam with Spicy Kumquat Sauce。有点辣辣的配上西瓜好像怪怪的,可是少爷说不错哦~
少爷的Crispy Oyster,试吃了一小口但是现在却忘记什么味道了。
我的Soft Boiled Egg with Foie Gras。嗯,为什么我吃不到鹅肝的味道?只是有点像生熟蛋的感觉。
朋友的Mo Mo Duck。
少爷的Double-boiled Golden Coin Shark’s Fin with Chin Hua Ham,金华火腿的味道有点淡。
我的Cabbage and the Braised Golden Coin Shark’s Fin Soup,算是我吃过最好吃的鱼翅!!到现在还是很想念这个高汤的味道。
还有一样是我们都没点的Double-boiled Pig’s Stomach with Golden Coin Shark’s Fin,可能大家都不喜欢吃猪肚吧?
少爷的Freshwater Eel with Avocado Mousse,听说还不错不过我到觉得有点烧焦味。
哎呀,那里没写下这道菜的名字。没关系,我大概还记得这个是Soft Crab with Pumpkin Mousse,超好吃的!!我很喜欢这道菜!
朋友的Pineapple with Prawn and Bacon,我吃了一小口,虾子弹口又鲜甜!
少爷的Charred Rack of Lamb ,非常的美味~ 朋友试了一口说这是最好吃的!
朋友的Sirloin with Marinated Oriental Spice。牛肉有点过熟了,我还是喜欢五分熟那种嫩嫩的口感。
我的Black Pig with Wasabi and Butter Shoyu Sauce。第一次吃黑毛猪耶,但也真的不知道有什么分别。
少爷的Braised Seafood Rice。应该很不错,因为少爷把它吃清光!
我的Braised Abalone Rice。吃了上面小小的鲍鱼就饱了,还好少爷也把它吃完。
朋友的Hainan Noodles,大家都说很好吃!!
左边的是朋友的Mango Pudding,右边的是我的Avocado Pudding。真是太棒啦!!冷冷的,滑溜溜的,淡淡的甜,好好吃哦。
少爷的Chilled Bittergourd Pudding,很苦很苦很苦!!但是少爷最爱苦瓜加上老是喜欢试一些新奇的东西了所以才点这个。他还是认为这个是最棒的甜品呢!=.="
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Episode Number Three
Young master was super duper angry cause i spend to much on him but i already bought liao wo~ And he was very very happy at the same time because he feel that i treat him so good. What to do? Em, so this is your X'mas present, okay? :D
Oh, i remove this terrible nail polish already! This is the second time that i bought a ring for young master. Still remember the first time was 7 years ago when we celebrated our 100days. Wahaha! I withdrew all the money that i worked for part time and bought a couple ring. He show me the same emotion when i gave him. Such a cute face when he was angry and happy together.
I dunno why this ring so expensive, like RM960++? But i know he doesn't like those bling bling stuff, diamond or gold. That's not his taste, he is a person that really low profile.
Bi, is okay. This will be your wedding ring and i want you to wear it everyday ma. Magic ring to tie you up. Wahaha!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
然后少爷说,James Cameron导演哦!拍Terminator, Aliens, Titanic那个啊~
那天我们看了第一场,晚上11.30pm。我的妈呀,好久没看半夜场了~ 而且Full House,最前面一排得都坐满人了!说实在,好久好久没有这样喜欢一部电影了!三八到四周告诉其它人一定要看3D!!我相信那个震撼一定我看得更大,故事简单容易明白虽然有点像Disney的风中奇缘(Pocahontas)。可是里面的场面华丽,逼真,壮观,少爷好惊叹。。。。。。
在网上找到-Exclusive: James Cameron talks Avatar,文中列举11个不容错过Avatar的理由!!我找到别人把文章翻译成华语了,谢谢你~ 华语直接滑下去就可以了。
1. Cameron’s been working on it for quite a while.
Cameron first wrote the treatment for his groundbreaking 3-D sci-fi actioner Avatar in 1995. He started by working with Microsoft, researching the way people see. He teamed with WETA to develop new motion-capture techniques and photorealistic CG. He made seven deep-ocean expeditions in five years (along with two 3-D Imax docs) to develop a new 3-D camera technology.
2. Avatar will be a 3-D experience unlike anything you’ve seen before.
The new technology allows Cameron to do something no one has ever done: shoot in live 3-D. Not poke-your-eye-out 3-D, but a totally immersive environment. You don’t see a screen. You see a window. “Sharing a reality,” Cameron calls it. “You’re there. A scene in the snow with two people talking? You’re in the snow. You feel the snow.”
3. The CGI is photorealistic – it’s impossible to tell the difference between effects and location footage.
“The audience has no idea which they’re looking at,” says Cameron. “Avatar will make people truly experience something.”
4. The synthespians will convey real emotion.
“One more layer of the suspension of disbelief will be removed. All the synthespians are photorealistic. We discovered that CG characters in 3-D look more real than in 2-D. Your brain is cued it’s a real thing not a picture and discounts the part of image that makes it look fake. I can say with absolute certainty that you'll see stuff you’ve never imagined.”
5. Cameron’s Virtual Production Studio is insanely powerful.
Standing on a bare stage while looking at Pandora through a handheld camera, Cameron walks, crawls and soars around his alien world, as the VPS system tracks every CG cloud and blade of CG grass in the film. “It’s like a big, powerful game engine,” he explains. “If I want to fly through space or change my perspective, I can. I can turn the whole scene into a living miniature.”
Take an unknown hunk (Sam Worthington) a couple of strong powerful women (Zoe Saldana, Michelle Rodriguez) add a couple of character actors, Giovanni Ribisi, CCH Pounder, a sprinkling of Sigourney Weaver, and you’ve got yourself a Cameron movie.
7. The plot is ace.
Unfolding in the distant future on an exotic alien planet called Pandora, it’s the story of paraplegic ex-Marine Jake Sully. After undergoing an experiment to exist in the alien world as an avatar – a blue, 10ft-tall, genetically engineered biological body, controlled by his human mind – Sully finds himself torn in a fight for his own survival and that of Pandora’s indigenous people, the Na’vi. Cameron’s script sets up an epic war between the native race of an incredible world and the humans who want to exploit it.
8. Other cinematic pioneers have been drawn to the set.
VIP guests have included Steven Spielberg, Peter Jackson, Steven Soderbergh and, um, even shockrocker turned filmmaker Marilyn Manson.
9. Soderbergh liked what he saw - a lot.
“Yeah, I went to the set,” said Steven Soderbergh, when Total Film quizzed him recently. “I can tell you that shit was mindblowing. The shit I saw was crazy. Like, craaaazy.I I think it’s gonna be gigantic. It’s gonna be another one of those benchmarks. There’s gonna be Before that movie and After.”
10. Avatar is already changing cinema.
Cameron says he will never make another movie in 2-D. DreamWorks CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg predicts that one day soon, no one will. “What you’re seeing today in film in the 2-D image is actually the equivalent of listening to vinyl,” said Katzenberg, when he invited totalfilm.com to visit DreamWorks’ newly developed 3-D studios last month.
11. Cameron is aware that with great power, comes great responsibility.
“This is the ultimate immersive media,” says Cameron. “It’s my fundamental belief that when you’re viewing media in stereo, more neurons are firing, learning rates and engagement levels are higher. How will you use the deeper levels of engagement?”
1. 制作时间超长
2. Avatar将带来观众前所未见的3-D视觉体验
3. 影片中的CG图像是照片级写实的。 你将无法分辨特效和实景。
“观众绝对分不清他们看到的究竟是特效还是实景,”Cameron如此声称, “Avatar 将给你带来真正特殊的体验。”
4. 合成角色(synthespian) 也会表现逼真的情绪。
Cameron:“本片将会令人们更加认同和成角色。 他们都是相片级写实的。我们发现3-D中的CG人物比二维的更加真实。你的大脑不仅会把它们当成真实的人物而非动画,而且还会忽略不真实的瑕疵。我打包票你将看到前所未见的东东!”
5. Cameron的虚拟摄影棚强大到变态!
Cameron站在光秃秃的舞台上,而通过一部手持摄影机,他就能看到虚拟世界“潘朵拉星”,他能在这个虚幻世界里尽情撒欢儿~ “这就好比是一个很巨大且很强大的游戏引擎,” 他老人家解释道,“想飞来飞去改变视角,我能!电影场景到我手上就成了活的微缩模型场景,任我把玩~”
6. 典型的“卡梅隆”式演员阵容
该片有壮男(Sam Worthington),有悍妞儿(Zoe Saldana, Michelle Rodriguez),再加几个优秀的“角色型演员” (Giovanni Ribisi, CCH Pounder),还有Sigourney Weaver掺和一脚,夫复何求?
7. 剧情很王道
该故事讲述发生在外星原住民和人类殖民者之间的一场战争史诗。故事的时间是很久很久以后,地点是一个遥远的名叫 “潘朵拉” 的星球。我们的主角是一位半身不遂的前海军队员Jake Sully。经历一场实验后,Sully在外星世界中化身为一个高大的蓝色生化体,随后又陷入了救自己还是救外星人民的两难境地。
8. 引来各路电影高人“围观”
其中包括Steven Spielberg、Peter Jackson、Steven Soderbergh等等,哦对了,还有由摇滚妖人转变为电影制作人的Marilyn Manson。
9. Soderbergh对此片那是相当的喜欢
Steven Soderbergh:“是呀我去拍摄现场围观了。我他妈完全被震惊啦!简直太牛逼了,太-牛-逼-啦-啦-啦!此片绝对要红!它将成为一个里程碑,划分电影史。”
10. Avatar正在改变电影业
Cameron说他再也不玩传统的二维电影了。梦工厂CEO Jeffrey Katzen更是预言在不久的将来,所有人都不会了。Katzen说:“我们今天用二维的方式看电影就好比听音乐用黑胶唱片一样。”
11. Cameron倍感责任重大
Monday, December 21, 2009
Episode Number Two
Everywhere is sales sales sales, my mama and sis dated me for shopping. Okay, seem that im free on that day. According to my mama, she wanna buy some cloths for CNY. Don't you think that is still so early to talk about CNY? Almost 2 month to go. Then, my sis wanna buy some cosmetic tools for her make up course. At last, my sis bought 4 clothes (didn't buy her cosmetic tools at all) and mama is 0 (kesian, just walk around with us).
the end is...... i bought 5 clothes!! I love my new clothes so much~ So worry that i can't wait until CNY to wear them on. WTF, i'm the one who spend a lot!!
Sorry, i adjust to much for these picture, but don't you think that it look gorgeous with this color mood? Love it so much ♥
Wahaha, i wear this white shirt twice already. So mean that it isn't my CNY cloths anymore. Like the princess sleeves and those bling bling necklace so much! And the grey jean is from Forever 21. Actually i seldom wear long jean, it make my thigh look huge and fatty ass. Argh...... still finding the suitable jeans that make me look slim or i need to diet as well?
Look nice on short pants too~
This shirt is highly recommend by the salesman. I'm think he is one of the shareholders in this shop but his fashion senses is really bad. He let us try those cloths that he think it's suit us, so, we almost try ALL the cloths inside this shop. Until we sweat and tired. =.=
He said it's HOT FASHION in Korea but i'm look like flying squirrel on it. :D
I love this pink blouse but look fatty on this picture......
It look great from the side. Young master asked, did you take the wrong size? Em, it is free size wor~
I love sling jean too!! Although a bit childish on it. ="=
Em, pocket with love shape. ♥
My first dress in green color and my sis said i'mlook like a teacher. Wahaha!
Can wear as formal dress ma~
--------------------- I'm a line ---------------------
This dress inside my wardrobe long time ago but i didn't wear it before. Still thinking what kind of occasion that suit this dress.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
La Sombra Del Viento & The Complete Sherlock Holmes
I add some new books into my bookcase.
La Sombra Del Viento (The Shadow Of The wind), RM51.50. Luckily my sister have the member card, then i can enjoy the 20% discount! I love the writer after i read his new book (The Angel's Game)! Em, i can promise that the story is better than Da Vinci Code and this is the first time that i don't hope to finish the book! You won't know the ending even you still have 2 pages to go. I'm reading La Sombra Del Viento now, I feel that his new book is 2 times nicer than this. Both of them is in chinese version because i'm more comfort with my mother language. (That's why i still haven't finish The Lost Symbol)
The Complete Sherlock Holmes, RM88.00 before 30% discount. I wanna buy this because young master told me that he read a few chapter when he was young (young = study in primary school right?). Okay, i want to share the story with him after i read it. But I don't think that i'm not a good story teller la.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Restoran Gu Yue Tien
那天的星期日起床已经是1pm多了,我想吃好好吃的点心(一直说要去puchong bandar puteri吃点心却没去过。不是睡到太阳晒屁股就是懒惰去这么远,加上我不知道怎么去。)爸爸介绍我们去古月天,他说点心有30% Discount哦。
还忘记带相机出门所以全是Nokia N97所拍的。到现在还是不太会用这架电话,照片有点蒙而且不太能focus耶!看到这些照片又会让我想买一架DSLR的欲望了。唉~
还有还有,我都没标下价钱是 因为爸爸买单,receipt在他那里。娃哈哈!
很大碗的生滚牛肉粥,一级棒!!yum yum~
这个应该是肠。。。。。。我忘记有没有尝试到~ ="=
Restoran Gu Yue Tien,
Lot B5-A, Chulan Square, 92, Jalan Raja Chulan, 50200 Kuala Lumpur, Tel :03-2148 0808.